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Accounting services and outsourcing

Accounting services and outsourcing

We would like to offer you complete accounting and tax related services for your business in Russia.

Russian accounting and tax systems differs greatly from what seems to be usual for business peoples from other countries. Sometimes, it even seems that there is no logic in Russian taxes and different laws. For instance, you may do usual business things to which you get used in your home country, but face large fines in Russia.

We want to offer you full range of taxes and accounting related services, varying from simple oral and written consultation to full accounting and tax service including document preparation and processing, report preparation and filling to tax offices.

Feel free to contact us with any question about our services or general questions about accounting and taxes in Russia


HR department related services and consulting

HR services

Our services in the field of HR department duties, paperwork and workflows

When you start business in Russia, you should take additional care about current legislation in the field of human resources. Russian laws related to the employer and employee relations are strictly on the side of employee. For instance, it is not so easy to fire even the poor working staff. Also, current legislation requires any size companies to have lot of documents and to do lot of paper work in the field of HR. Failing to follow the laws in HR field may lead to large penalties, business stoppage and even top management disqualification. Salary delay may lead to criminal punishement.

We offer full range of consulting and paperwork services in HR field and suggest you not to miss this sincere side of business in Russia from the very beginning. It is easier to do this paperwork from the company start-up, then dealing with it when company reach some size. Please take into account, that lot of HR related documents should be kept in company or state archives for 70+ years.

we provide the following services:

  • Initial HR paperwork. Preparing the necessary set of company documents in HR field from the scratch.
  • Company current HR paperwork audit and checking for current ligislation.
  • Partitial or complete HR paperwork and duties oursourcing.
  • Required HR reports creating and filing.
  • HR related consulting

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Business effectiviness

business effectiviness

We want your business to be profitable

Every businessman cares about profit of his business. The owners and/or the shareholders put pressure on the managers for making profitable business. In this time of crisis, effectiviness may be not only the source of profit, but the base for business survival as well. It is well known, that labour productivity in Russia are well below the Western standards in the correspondent industries.

We prefer to use term effectiviness in place of productivity. Because term labour productivity may lead to incorrect decision to push workers work harder. However, term effictiviness lead us to correct decision - makes all company works in a correct way. The correct way means right people, right tools, right place, right pace. Everything should be right

We like projects in this field. We think that business in Russia has a great reserve in this field. We are so sure in success, that we ready to do some projects not for service charges, but for some comission of the result of our services in this field.

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IT and automation services.

Business automation and IT

Computers and IT services. Business automation.

We think, that business automation is not the target. The target is the profit. The automation is a tool. Yes, in meantime business often can't live without automation. But the spending on IT in business may be quite different. We think, that every business require the correct level of automation and IT. Sometimes, it is more wise to invest in workers education, then in the new sofware. Because it will give more value the less bucks. Very often, lot of tasks may be solved with the current software, just by means of some minor automation and staff education.

Don't pay for new software before you sure, that the old one is used for 100% of what it can do. If you think, that the software and hardware in your company may do more, contact us, we will help you to get more value from the current IT assets you already have.

Also, we provide different services in the field of business automation. Mostly with Microsoft products or 1C products. 1C is the wide spread accounting and business automation software in Russia

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