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Express analysis and checking of accounting in Russian company

Why it may be useful to check the state of the accounting in Russian company

Very often the owners and managers of companies have very limited knowledge of accounting and taxes. They do not have special accounting education and don't spend enough time for self-education in the field of accounting and taxes. It is common, that in small and medium size companies accounting and book keeping carried not in full. Lot of things that have to be done in accounting according to laws are not done due to limited resourses or limited experience of in-house accountants.

Considering limited managers and owners knowledge in accounting the only resourse they have to check the quality of accounting is accounting audit. These service may be very expensive and requires and only spending of money, but also spending of time. Standard audit process imply detailed accounting analysis.The full audit may show the owners of the company and managers of the company the errors and mistakes in accounting and taxation, which may be corrected before company will be fined for them by controlling organization. Also, it should be noted, that mistakes in accounting may not only lead to fines, but also, some mistakes may affect shareholders rights. Also, incorrect accounting statements may lead to incorrect business decisions, which may bring serious risk for company itself.

We offer new service - express analysis of quality of accounting in Russian company.

This service may be very usefull as a recurring service, which will help to control the state and the quality of accounting in a company. Also, it may be used in some specific situations like: when selling/buying companies, accountant changing, before the tax office checking and so on.

Express checking of the accounting may helps:

  • to company managers - to reduce the risk of fines due to errors and mistakes in accounting. To reveal, that in-house accountant pay more taxes then needed for the sake of own calmness
  • to owners of a company - to understand, did company financial, accounting and tax reports which was given to them by management reflect the real business situation and figures.
  • to in-house accountant - to get quick and independent view on the state of accounting, to reduce the uncertainty in compex questions of accounting. It is known, that fresh look may helps to find the problems, that sometimes stays imperceptible.

So, the express analysis of accounting is very usefull for different groups of people. Terms express means, that the report will be done in a few days after we will get all necessary information. This report will contains information about:

  • the state of the tax balance.. is there is any overpayment or underpayment
  • which operation in accounting or tax systems made incorrectly and how to correct them
  • is there is any area in accounting that your current accountants should learn better
  • does your accountants use current accounting system in full
  • is there is any way to optimize taxes to pay less
  • and so on

That will be not the in-depth checking, but quick global view on accounting in your company. But this view gives you the real knowledge about state of accounting and taxation in your company, which fields shoul attened more of your attention, what should be changed and so on.

To provide you with this service we needs only few things:

  • copy of accounting database of your company or access to it
  • copy of the accounting and tax reports which was filled to tax office within the checked perioud
  • the availiability of your current accountant to answer some questions is a plus

To keep the cost of this service as low as possible, we prefer to provide it remotely. So, the price for this service for small company will be 5000-10000 roubles for checking period half-year or year. And it will takes couple of days to send you a report. Sure, the price and require time may differ depending on the size of the company and business specifics. If you don't want to give us the copy of your accounting database, we may provide this service in your office but at a price starting with 10000 roubles / working day.

This service is strictly confidential. Report will be provided to the person, who ordered this service or to other person, whom he trust.

Please contact us by phone or by this form to get more information about this service or to order it.

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