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Accounting, Book keeping, tax reporting...

Accounting and book-keeping serivices

We offer different options for accounting services, Book keeping and tax reporting. We may provide complete services in this field, when we do all the necessary things in the field of accounting and taxes in your company. Or, we may do it only partitially, if you have staff, who may do some jobs in accounting and book keeping. For example, we may do all the duties of the Chief accountant ( check all data, prepare and file reports ) and your staff may do low level accounting.

This possibility to choose only necessary services helps client to achieve the required service level within required budget.

Business consulting

All our accounting and book keeping services bundled with business consulting. This bundling should be very useful for newcomers to business in Russia. Business consulting differs greatly from accounting and tax consulting. During the process of business consultation, we keeping in mind not only accounting and tax needs, but also business needs, trying to find right balance. It is not secret, that specialized consulting often deals with questions too narrow, concentrating only on very specific sides of business. We think, that each and any questions in business should be solved in a whole, keeping in mind how the solution will influence on a whole business.

How book keeping services and accounting outsourcing works

After signing the agreement and getting payment, we will send you login and password to our internal site. This site allows us to exchange documents with client using secure communication. By usins this site we are getting all documents and questions from you, sending you the reports, invoices, answers to your questions and so on. This site with secure access allows you to discuss the questions which you wouldn't like to discuss by phone. This site allows you to communicate with us even if your are not in your office and even not in Russia.

Depending on the size of business, we are getting documents in paper monthly or quaterly. Then, we will enter all the data in accounting system, check it for validity and send you preliminary reports. This preliminary reports allow you to check, that all data is entered correctly. Also, it will shows you the business data and conditions how it looks like from accounting point of view. This reports may be the source for in-depth finance analizing of business.

You shoud accept and confirm this report or send us the data and documents which needs to correct mistakes if any. After that, we will create final reports and send them to you. If we are in charge of filing reports to state, then we get signed and stamped reports from you and file it.

Accounting services are safe, cost-effective, convinient.

The cost of accounting services usually less then the cost of in-house accountant. Comparing the cost of services with the cost of in-house accounting, we shouldn't forget about additional expenses like - cost of software and hardware, office space, accountant training and so on.

We are in charge and will refund any fees that will be charged to company due to our proven mistakes.

In-house accountant usually are very narrow specialist in accounting of some fields. We have multiyear experience in different business and business's areas like: accounting, finance, sales, manufacturing, automation. We run different size companies, ranging from 2-3 persons startup, to multibillion projects. Independent of the size of your business, after you sign the agreement for accounting services with us, you get access to all the experience and knowledge we have and can share with you.

We will be glad to answer any questions by phone or e-mail. Pls use this form to contact us. Also, contact us if you need different services in accounting, tax, automation , other business needs.

(c) Business ABC 2009
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Contact us
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